What We Do
The Emory Healthcare Innovation Hub accelerates the development and adoption of transformative health care technologies through the Emory Healthcare system as well as, other health care providers and systems in the State of Georgia and across the United States.
The program includes collaborative innovation projects with our corporate strategic partners and an annual cohort of accelerator companies hosted in a cutting-edge research and design thinking living lab facility that works closely with the Emory Healthcare delivery environment. To be as effective in this process as possible, the Innovation Hub identifies problems and facilitate interactions between Emory Healthcare, partner companies, and startups to ideate, adapt and validate evidence-based data-driven solutions.
By doing so, Emory Healthcare patients and the broader patient and provider community can receive access to these products, services, and companies that have the most value-added benefit available on the market. Ultimately, our goal is to connect the patient to a seamless health care and wellness experience.
The Program
Innovative ideas and solutions need access to dynamic resources and user validation environments to scale successfully. The Innovation Hub combines the assets of Emory Healthcare's first-rate academic medical center with leading innovation expertise and the capabilities of our partners to create a user-friendly efficient ecosystem where innovation and technology adoption can thrive. As a result, this ecosystem brings together all the pieces of the health care continuum - from ideas to commercialization. Contact us to learn more.
How Emory Healthcare’s Innovation Hub May Work for You:
The Emory Healthcare Innovation Hub ecosystem leverages the power and resources of its ecosystem and utilizes 11TEN Innovation Partners’ Demand-Driven Innovation™ approach to identify improvement through the eyes of the end user and uncover solutions with the greatest impact on cost, quality, and health outcomes.